Peace Lily Care: How to Prevent Black Leaves and Keep Your Plant Healthy

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Written By Sharline

Sharline is an expert on Chinese export trade. With 10 years of experience in the field of sourcing in China, she is familiar with all relevant regulations and laws about China's exporting. She loves to share her experiences with people and has written many helpful articles.

Peace lilies are a popular indoor plant that can thrive with minimal care, but it’s not uncommon for their leaves to turn black, which can cause concern for plant owners. In this post, we’ll explore the reasons behind blackened peace lily leaves and provide solutions to help you save your plant.

Reasons for Peace Lily Leaves Turning Black


Overwatering is one of the most common reasons for peace lily leaves turning black. Peace lilies prefer soil that is moist but not soggy. When you water your peace lily too much or too frequently, the soil can become waterlogged, and the roots can suffocate. As a result, the plant may show signs of stress, including blackened leaves.


On the other hand, if you don’t water your peace lily enough, the plant can become dehydrated, and its leaves may turn black. When the soil is too dry, the roots can’t absorb water, and the plant will show signs of drought stress, including blackened leaves.

Low humidity 

Peace lilies thrive in high-humidity environments. If the air around your peace lily is too dry, the leaves may turn black and wither. Low humidity can also make the plant more susceptible to pests and diseases.

Exposure to direct sunlight

While peace lilies prefer bright but indirect light, exposure to direct sunlight can cause the leaves to burn and turn black. When the plant is exposed to direct sunlight for too long, the leaves can become scorched, and the tissue may start to die off, causing blackening.

Fungal or bacterial infection

Peace lilies are susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections, which can cause blackening of the leaves. These infections can be caused by various factors, including poor air circulation, high humidity, overwatering, and inadequate sanitation.

8 ways how to solve peace lily leave turning black

Proper watering

Overwatering and underwatering are the most common reasons for peace lily leaves turning black. Peace lilies prefer moist but not waterlogged soil. If you overwater your peace lily, the roots can suffocate, and the plant may show signs of stress, including blackened leaves. On the other hand, if you underwater your peace lily, the plant can become dehydrated, and its leaves may turn black.

To solve this issue, water your peace lily appropriately. Allow the top layer of soil to dry out before watering again. When you do water, thoroughly water, but avoid waterlogging the soil. Drain any excess water from the pot. Using a pot with drainage holes is also a good idea so that the excess water can escape.

Increase humidity

Peace lilies thrive in high-humidity environments. The leaves may turn black and wither if the air around your peace lily is too dry. Low humidity can also make the plant more susceptible to pests and diseases. To increase the humidity around the plant, mist the leaves regularly or place a humidifier near the plant. Alternatively, you can place the peace lily on a water-filled pebbled tray. This will create a humid microclimate around the plant and help prevent the leaves from turning black.

Provide appropriate lighting

To solve this problem, move your peace lily to a location that receives bright, indirect light, such as near a north-facing window. If your peace lily is located in a spot with direct sunlight, move it to a shadier area. Alternatively, if your peace lily needs more light, consider providing supplemental lighting with a grow light. Be sure to monitor the light levels and adjust the placement of your plant as needed to ensure that it receives the appropriate amount of light. Providing your peace lily with the proper lighting can help prevent the development of black leaves and promote healthy growth.

Fungal or Bacterial Infections

Peace lilies are susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections, which can cause blackening of the leaves. These infections can be caused by various factors, including poor air circulation, high humidity, overwatering, and inadequate sanitation. To solve this issue, remove any affected leaves and treat the plant with a fungicide or bactericide. Make sure to follow the instructions on the product label. It would help if you also improved the plant’s growing conditions, including providing better air circulation, reducing humidity, and avoiding overwatering.

Improve soil quality

First, ensure that the soil is well-draining and not waterlogged. Peace lilies prefer soil that is slightly moist but not overly wet. If the soil is too compacted, it can cause the roots to become crowded and lead to blackened leaves. You can improve soil quality by adding organic matter such as compost or peat moss to help with water retention and drainage. Additionally, you can fertilize your peace lily with a balanced fertilizer to give it the necessary nutrients to grow healthy foliage. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package and avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to burned leaves. By improving the soil quality around your peace lily, you can promote healthy growth and prevent the development of blackened leaves.

Address nutrient deficiencies

Peace lilies require a balanced supply of nutrients to thrive. If your peace lily is not getting enough nutrients, it can cause the leaves to turn black. To solve this issue, feed your peace lily with a balanced fertilizer once a month during the growing season. You can use a liquid or granular fertilizer, following the instructions on the product label.

Avoid temperature extremes

Move your peace lily to a suitable location 

Peace lilies thrive in temperatures between 65°F and 85°F (18°C to 29°C). If your peace lily is located near a window or in an area with direct sunlight, it may be exposed to temperature extremes. Move it to a more suitable location away from windows and direct sunlight.

Avoid cold drafts

Peace lilies can be sensitive to cold drafts, so avoid placing them near air conditioning units or open windows during the cooler months. Drafts can cause stress to the plant, leading to the development of black leaves.

Provide consistent temperatures 

Peace lilies prefer consistent temperatures, so avoid exposing them to rapid temperature fluctuations. For example, if you have a space heater in the room with your peace lily, avoid placing it too close to the plant, as this can cause the temperature to rise too quickly.

Monitor temperature 

Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature around your peace lily. If the temperature is too high or too low, take steps to adjust it by opening or closing windows, adjusting the thermostat, or using a space heater or fan.

Prune regularly

Regular pruning can help prevent peace lily leaves from turning black. Remove any dead, damaged, or diseased leaves or stems immediately to prevent the spread of infection. Prune back overgrown leaves and stems to encourage new growth.

If your peace lily has already developed black or brown leaves, removing them is vital to prevent the spread of disease. Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to cut the affected leaves at the base of the stem. Be sure to disinfect your tools with rubbing alcohol between cuts to avoid spreading any potential diseases.

The end

In conclusion, peace lilies are beautiful and easy-to-care-for plants but require proper care to thrive. If you notice the leaves turning black, immediately identify and solve the problem. Following the tips outlined above, you can keep your peace lily healthy and beautiful.